Updating the site


Dear customers! We are in a hurry to present to your attention an updated version of our website.

Now the site is available in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese. You can select the desired language version by clicking on the checkbox in the upper right corner of any of the pages. All information is completely identical in all versions of website.

In addition, we have updated the "Production" section of our website. Now, in addition to information about the company and the main possibilities of packaging decoration, expanded data about the ALFA organization (including "About the company in numbers"), as well as other areas of the company's activities, have become available.

For more detailed information about the service or product you are interested in, or if you have any other questions, contact us via the feedback forms located on the website or by phone!

* We focus your attention on the new block "Question-answer" block located on the Main page of the site, which answers the most common questions.

The information is constantly updated, so stay tuned!


With respect, "Beland" LLC